How Autobound Converts 6.7% of Their Blog Traffic Using Winware

Within weeks of launching Winware, Autobound is converting over 6.7% of their blog traffic into leads.

How Autobound Converts 6.7% of Their Blog Traffic Using Winware
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Autobound uses AI to empower sellers to craft unique, personalized emails for thousands of prospects at once. The company has been growing rapidly using a PLG approach. Autobound is making a significant investment in content marketing in 2024 with the goal of driving sales leads.

Within weeks of launching Winware, Autobound is converting over 6.7% of their blog traffic into leads.

“Our content marketing is intended to drive users to our website via SEO and social. The goal of this inbound strategy is obviously to generate leads. Winware’s high conversion rate makes the ROI on our content strategy much better.”
- Daniel Wiener, CEO of Autobound.

Success #1: Capture 6.7% of blog visitors

Instead of asking blog visitors to sign up for a newsletter, Autobound is using Winware  to capture feedback on its content from its blog visitors.

Winware’s customized screener at the beginning of the survey ensures that participants fit Autobound’s Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).

Success #2: Feedback to Improve the Strategy

Autobound also used the feedback they received from Winware’s responses to improve their overall content strategy. Gaining a better understanding of the topics, type of content, and areas of interest for their ICP.

This allowed Winware to be a full-circle tool. Not only does it generate leads; it also provides a way for Autobound to write better content that fit within its commitment to personalization.

Much to their surprise, initially less than 1% of visitors that started Winware’s survey passed Autobound’s screener. This was a clear indication that they were driving the wrong type of traffic to their blog post. The persona they want to reach was not the persona reading their content.

Because Winware only charges for qualified leads, this allowed Autobound to continuously test new topics and types of content until they hit on something that truly resonated without having to adjust their budget. Winware’s pricing encouraged Autobound to run rapid experiments, utilizing the feedback they received, and focus only on qualified leads.

"Seeing our content convert over 6% of visitors was incredible. It's not just the numbers though; it's about the way people engage with us. The feedback improved our ability to create great content for our audience. It was a win-win for us and our audience."
- Daniel Wiener, CEO of Autobound.  

Overall Results

The collaboration between Autobound and Winware proved to be a resounding success, leading to transformative results across the board.

“The ROI of Winware is a game changer for content marketing. No doubt about it. It’s a no-brainer for any company to put the tool on their website. Especially with the performance-based pricing. There’s no risk, but plenty of rewards."
- Daniel Wiener, CEO of Autobound.  

Autobound's experience highlights the potential for Winware to not only address specific challenges but also to drive comprehensive improvements in business performance.

Want To Get Started?

If you're inspired by Autobound's success and looking to see similar results, we invite you to explore what Winware can do for you.

Whether you're aiming to improve lead generation from your website or enhance your content's impact, Winware has the tools and expertise to help your business grow.

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